Dr. Ajay Kumar Ramanuja


[email protected]


29 years of proven P&L Leadership at Senior Management/Business Head/Marketing positions in reputed organizations of Broadcast Media Networks with P&L responsibility

Associated in leadership Positions with Prominent TV Networks like ETV Network, Gemini TV, ZEE-South, Kasthuri TV Kannada, NTV, V6NEWS and CEO Musion India Hologram

Over a decade’s stint in pedagogy in Post-Graduate program in Media and Communication at University level.

Successfully headed communication assignments in HMRI State Government’s HEALTH outreach projects (Rural) in Health care Management-Strategy and implementation.

Proven persuasive and professional Communication and Presentation skills

First-hand application experience of consumer insight and media analytics. Been on industry bodies, successfully led Perception change/building among national advertisers/agencies and opinion leaders. Piloted major establishment surveys, impacting change in industry metrics/currencies.

Strong team-building, training and management capability with networking relationship in media Industry and academia.

Track record of very High level of integrity and propriety for the Organization-

Vegetarian, Non-smoker with good health and fitness. Sports lover.

Research Interests

  • Consumer Insight
  • Audience measurement Analytics
  • Qualitative and Quantative Research.

Teaching Interests

  • Marketing Management
  • Market Research
  • Media & Communication
  • Business Analytics
  • Professional Public Relations, Branding.

Selected Publications

  1. (Syndicated)Piloted a Mega TV consumer Study –both qualitative and quantitative in four major markets of Maharashtra, Karnataka and West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh. Among the biggest ever Quantitative and Qualitative Applied Research study undertaken in the industry deploying services of IMRB, TAM & ATG.

Selected Awards and Honors

External Profile Links

  • BSc (Hons)
  • Masters in Communication & Journalism
  • Pre PhD from Business Management, Osmania University
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