Thirupathi Gorry received Bachelor of science (B.Sc) from kakatiya University, warangal, Telangana in 2007.He has completed Master of science(M.Sc) from kakatiya University,warangal,Telangana in 2010.Currently he is pursuing Ph,D in Mewar University, Chittorghar, Rajastan .In 2011 he joined as Assistant professor in the department of chemistry at Anurag Group of Institutions ,Venkatapur,Ghatkesar(M), Medchel(dist), Telangana.He is a life member of the Indian science Congress Association.
Research Interests
He has research interests in Inorganic, Bio-Inorganic chemistry & Nano Materials.
Teaching Interests
Thirupathi Gorry has taught undergraduate classes in Organic Chemistry, Engineering Chemistry & Applied Chemistry. He has teaching interests in Organic, Physical & Inorganic Chemistry for under graduates and Post Graduates.
Selected Publications
- Design Modulation of some Novel Green Nano Pd complexes as Potential Anti-cancer Agent: International Journal of chemtech Research(ISSN:2455-9555)Vol.12 No.1,pp 152-170,2019.
- Green synthesis,Charecterization & anty Cancer activity 0f Platinum Nano particles: Technical Resaerch Organisation india(ISSN:2394-0697)Vol-5,issue-4,2018.
- Investigation on Non-Conventional Biological Route of preparation of Pd Nano Particles and cytotoxicity against Tumour cell : Technical Resaerch Organisation india(ISSN:2394-0697)Vol-5,issue-4,2018.
Selected Awards and Honors
External Profile Links
- 2016: Regestered for Ph.D in Mewar University.
- 2008-2010: Master of science (M.Sc) from kakatiya University,warangal,Telangana .
- 2004-2007: Bachelor of science (B.Sc) from kakatiya University,warangal,Telangana .