
Assoc. prof

[email protected]


Working as Assistant professor in Anurag University since 2005 in various capacities like Head of the Department, Asst. Placement officer, AU Pulse – UMS incharge, Incharge Director of Foreign Relations Office, Coordinator for Alumni Affairs.

Research Interests

K S Chalapathi’s research interests are in the Automobile Exhaust pollution control and the different methods and technologies involved in it. In particular with the Diesel engine’s pollution control is his key area of research. His second area of interest is on the Automation and Advanced Manufacturing Methods. He is doing along with his group, an extensive research in the development of a product to reduce the Exhaust pollution of a Diesel engine

Teaching Interests

K S Chalapathi has huge experience of more than 15 years in teaching the Engineering Drawing / Engineering Graphics for the undergraduate classes besides the core mechanical subjects like Production Technology, Machine Tools, Un Conventional Machining Processes, Robotics, Plant Layout and Metrology & Surface Engineering. He has also taught the Precision Engineering and Industrial Robotics for the PG students.

Selected Publications

  • K Srinivasa Chalapathi, Dr. T. Venkateswara Rao – Development of a Cost Effective Catalytic Converter for Diesel Automobiles – International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, IJRTE (SCOPUS Indexed) ISSN:  2277-3878 Vol 8, Issue 3, Sept 2019, Page No. 2989-2994 DOI: 10.35940/ijrte.c4823.098319
  1. Md. Sikindar Baba, A V Sita Rama Rau, K Srinivasa Chalapathi, S Naga Kishore – Thermal Performance Ration of Finned Tube Heat Excahnger with Wire Coil Inserts for Flow of Fe3O4 – Water Nanofluid – Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research and Developments (JMERD), Scopus Indexed, ISSN: 1024-1752, Vol 44, Issue 6, May 2021, pp 263-268.
  2. Indian Patent Grant: Kolluri Srinivasa Chalapathi, Dr. T. Venkateswara Rao, Dr. Ch. Bhavanarayana Murthy, Mrs. M. V. Annapurna, Mrs. Kolluri Krishna Priya – Catalytic Converter Retrofit with Monolith Canister Containing Ceria and Zirconia Catalyst Coated Clay Marbles for use in Diesel Engines – Patent application number: 202041035317, published on The Patent office Journal No 37/2020, dt: 11-09-2020, Patent Granted with Patent no: 365869, Dt: 30-04-2021.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Best Researcher Award in December 2021by Novel Research Academy, Puducherry, India.

External Profile Links

  • Ph.D Pursuing at KLU,vijayawada
  • 2001 – 2003 Master of Technology – Prod. Engg. (Mech) from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka
  • 1990 -1994 Bachelor of Engineering – Mechanical Engineering Karnatak University, Dharwad.
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