Assistant Professor

[email protected]


Mr. Raja Sekhar Reddy P received a Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) from Jawarharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad in 2013, and a Pursuing PhD in Computer Science and Engineering with major specialization on Cloud Computing from KLEF. He is working as Asst. Professor in the department of CSE Since 2006. He is the Coordinator for the AGI Cloud Club and a member of Machine Learning Research Wing. He was appointed as Academic Coordinator in the year 2019. He is NBA Coordinator at the department level. He acted as speaker for Outcome Based Education & Assessment at various workshops and seminars conducted in collaboration with JNTUH and Government of Telangana . He is a Member of Indian Society for Technical Education and International Association of Engineers

Research Interests

  • Cloud Computing
  • Machine Learning

Teaching Interests

  • programming and problem solving
  • Data bases
  • Data structure

Selected Publications

  1. Mr P Raja Sekhar Reddy et al “An Exploration on Privacy Concerned Secured Data Sharing Techniques in Cloud” IJTIEE, Volume-9 Issue-1, November 2019, 1190-1198, ISSN: 2278-3075
  2. Mr P Raja Sekhar Reddy et al,” Accreditation of Engineering Education : A Boon or A Bane”, Seventh International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education ICTIEE-2020,India
  3. Mr P Raja Sekhar Reddy et al, “Integration of assessment and learning platform in to a traditional class room based programming course”, JEET Volume 33 Special Issue ICTIEE January 2020, 179-184, DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2020/v33i0/150139
  4. Mr P Raja Sekhar Reddy et al, “Secured Protocol for Communication between Fog and Cloud”, IJAST, Vol. 28, No. 14, (2019), pp. 238-242
  5. P Raja Sekhar Reddy et al, “An IoT Based Water Resource Analysis” International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, ISSN NO : 2249-7455, Volume IX, issue IV,Apr 2019
  6. P Raja Sekhar Reddy et al ,“Car Accident Detetctor ” , International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, ISSN NO : 2249-7455, Volume IX, issue IV,Apr 2019
  7. P Raja Sekhar Reddy et al ,“The Need for Integration of Cloud with IoT ” , European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 5(5): 317-321,2018
  8. P Raja Sekhar Reddy et a “The impact of Group and Ring Signature Schemes in Privacy Preserving” International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications, ISSN : 2310-1953,2017
  9. P Raja Sekhar Reddy et al,” An Effective Mechanism for Integrity of Data Sanitization Process in the Cloud”, European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2016, 3(8): 82-84
  10. P.Raja sekhar Reddy et al, “Identity preserving in dynamic groups for data sharing and auditing in cloud”, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163| pISSN: 2321-7308, DOI 10.15623/ijret.2016.0517026
  11. P.Raja sekhar Reddy et al, “A Paper on “Privacy Enhancing using HLA scheme while data auditing in cloud”., International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, ISSN 2320 – 2602 5(4), April 2016, 47- 51
  12. P.Rajasekhar Reddy et al,”Privacy Preserving Public Auditing for shared data in Cloud” , International Journal of Research ,ISSN:2348-795x,vol.2(10),2015
  13. P.Rajasekhar Reddy et al, “Query Decomposition and data localization issues in cloud computing” International journal of Advanced Research in computer science and software engineering. ISSN:2277-128X,Vol,2 Issue 9 2012
  14. P.Rajasekhar Reddy et al, “Query Optimization Issues for Data Retrieval in Cloud Computing”International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( ISSN:2250-3005Vol. 2 Issue. 5,pp.1361-1364,

Selected Awards and Honors

External Profile Links

  • 2017- Present Pursuing Ph. D. from KLEF Guntur, Advisor : Dr K Ravindranadh.
  • 2011 – 2013 Master of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad.
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