Dr.Saritha Pyatla


Assistant Professor

[email protected]


I, Dr. P. Saritha, have been working as an assistant professor in the department of mechanical engineering from 2008 onward and serving as the project-based learning club coordinator at the university. Completed a Ph.D. in the area of design in 2021 at Gitam University. My hobby is reading ,gardening and watching Tv. My area of interest is composite materials, design, and production. Published were 15 scholarly index papers, 1 book chapter, and 3 patent papers. I participated in various activities like workshops and conferences, organised various FDPs, got NPTEL certifications in composite materials and engineering mechanics subjects, etc.

Research Interests

  1.   Design
  2. Production
  3. Composite Materials

Teaching Interests

Selected Publications

  1. P.Saritha “Tribological Behavior Of Metal Matrix Composites”, Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, ISSN: 1943023X Volume: 12 Issue: 2
  2.  P.Saritha Experimental Analysis of Fatigue Life of Al7075”,  International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1S4. 
  3. P.SarithaMechanical Properties of Aluminum based Hybrid Composite” Solid State Technology, ISSN:  6943X Volume: 63 Issue: 5.

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Decadian award at Anurag university in the year 2018

External Profile Links

  • Ph.D 2021 Composite Materials GITAM Distinction
  • M.Tech 2011 CAD/CAM JNTUH 85%
  • B.Tech 2005 Mechanical JNTUH 70%
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