Assistant Professor

[email protected]


Mrs. V.Jyothi Received her Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Science and Engineering) from JNTUH, Hyderabad in 2006, Received a Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering) from JNTUH, Hyderabad in 2011. She is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of CSE since 2007.   She is the member of Data Mining Research Wing. She is the member of BOS. She received certifications from NPTEL, FOSS in various courses. She extended her services as the Academic In charge for PG and guided projects in UG and PG level. She has taken part in NBA & NAAC. She received Anurag Decadian Award.

Research Interests

  • Big Data
  • IOT
  • Machine Learning

Teaching Interests

  • Python programming
  • Design and analysis of algorithms
  • UNIX programming
  • web technologies
  • Data base management systems
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • OOAD
  • Scripting languages

Selected Publications

  1. “Design of Mantes Under Secure Detection System” IJRRECS/August 2014/Volume-2/Issue-8/2861-2865 ISSN 2321-5461
  2. A Survey paper for” Face Recognition System” 978-81-935941-8-6
  3. “Digital Business Card” IJMTE—UGC ISSN NO 2249-7455
  4. “Voice of AGI” IJMTE–UGC ISSN NO 2249-7455

Selected Awards and Honors

External Profile Links

  • 2009-2011 M.Tech(CSE) from JNTUH, Hyderabad.
  • 2002-2006 B.Tech(CSE) from JNTUH, Hyderabad.
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