Ph.D in Chemistry


Anurag University offers a Ph.D. program in Chemistry, which is designed to provide students with advanced knowledge and research skills in the field of chemistry. The program typically takes around four to six years to complete and involves coursework, research, and a thesis.

Research Areas

  • Nanomaterials
  • Materials Chemsitry
  • Materials Science
  • Nanophotonics


For Full-Time PhD scholars - 3 Years

For Part-Time PhD scholars - 4 Years


  1. Research the program: Review the program requirements, faculty research areas, and admission criteria on the university’s website.
  2. Contact potential faculty advisors: Identify faculty members whose research interests align with yours and reach out to them to discuss potential research opportunities.
  3. Prepare application materials: Prepare your application materials, which typically include transcripts, letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and a writing sample.


No of Scholars
No of Supervisors

Faculty Guided Ph.D

S.No Name of the Supervisor & Designation / Date of Recognition Area of Interest & Specialization Date of Joining Ph.D Awarded Month & Year Nuber of scholars currently guiding Number of vacancies
1 Dr. Savita Belwal, Professor Nanomaterials 11-09-2011 Dec-99 4 4
2 Dr. Ravi Arukula, Assistant Professor Materials Chemsitry, Energy conversion and storage system and Polymers 28-12-2020 Apr-17 2 2
3 Dr. G. Mallesham, Assistant Professor Materials Science, Nanophotonics 30-07-2022 Aug-15 1 3
4 Dr. M. Pradeep Kumar, Assistant Professor Catalysis 04-08-2022 Dec-16 1 3
5 Dr. Kovvuri Jeshma, Assistant Professor Synthesis of Biolgycally active hterocycles 29-08-2022 Dec-18 1 3
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