Department of Agriculture

About the Department

The School of Agricultural Sciences consists of ten departments, each with its own niche’ dealing with the individual aspects of crop production, protection, economics and sociology. The various departments are dealing with the individual subject specializations of Agronomy, Horticulture, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Plant pathology, Entomology, Crop Physiology, Agricultural Microbiology, Biochemistry, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Extension. Each Department is handled by competent faculty who are dedicated towards developing the specialization into advanced courses. All departments have well-furnished laboratories with equipment and field area that practically reinforces the theoretical learning of the students. The faculty members are continuously involved in developing new technologies to tackle the rapidly emerging challenges of climate change, biotic and abiotic stresses, economic constraints, sustainable farming and protected cultivation. Apart from the traditional subjects of agricultural science, the latest advancements in information technology such as computer programming and internet of things have been integrated in precision agriculture.


To become a center of excellence for academics and multi-dimensional in approach conducting research and innovation in chemistry. The staff augments the quality of life through long-term value creation via R & D and teamwork.


To offer quality chemistry education to students in numerous disciplines in order to meet the challenges of industry and society through active knowledge sharing by faculty of the department.

Highlights of the Department

The Department constitutes faculty with expertise in frontier areas of research such as engineering chemistry, corrosion engineering, bioorganic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, Nano chemistry, green chemistry. The department offers Ph.D. degree in emerging areas of research. The department has a good infrastructure with enthusiastic, competent, and well-qualified faculty from central universities, IICT and the institute of repute.



S.No Name Qualification Designation
1 Dr.P.Narayan Reddy Ph.D (Ag) Plant Pathology DEAN (Professor)
2 Dr.Shrey Bodhankar Ph.D (Microbiology) Assistant Professor
3 Mrs. K. Kavya Sri M.Sc (Ag) Seed Technology Assistant Professor
4 Dr.P.Divakar Reddy Ph.D (Ag) Agricultural Economics Assistant professor
5 Ms.K.Vijaya Gouri M.Sc (Ag) Agronomy Assistant professor
6 Dr.S.Kiran Reddy Ph.D (Ag) Agriculture Extension Assistant professor
7 Dr.K.Stephen Ph.D (Ag) Plant Physiology Associate Professor
8 Mrs.Jayanthi Bhima M.Sc. (Biochemistry) Assistant Professor
9 Mrs.V.Sravani Ram M.Sc. (Horticulture) Associate Professor
10 Dr.P.Sadhana Ph.D (Ag) Plant Breeding & Genetics Assistant Professor
11 Dr.J.Suman Ph.D (Ag) Soil Science & Agriculture Chemistry Assistant Professor
12 Dr.Ch.Swathi Ph.D (Ag) Plant Pathology Assistant Professor
13 Ms.M.Parvathi M.Sc. (Ag) Agricultural Entomology Assistant Professor
14 Dr.A.Mounika Ph. D (Ag) Agricultural Entomology Assistant Professor
15 Dr. V. Ishwarya Laxmi Ph. D (Ag) Agronomy Assistant Professor
16 Mr.Y.N. Mohan Babu M.Sc. (Ag) Agronomy Assistant Professor
17 Dr. Shreedhar Beese Ph. D (Hort.) Floriculture & Landscaping Assistant Professor
18 Ms.S.Sri Lekha B.Sc. (Agriculture) Assistant Professor

Board of Studies

Dr. P.Narayan Reddy

Dean, Chairperson

Dr. M. Devender Reddy

Dean Centurion University, Member

Dr. P.Chandrasekhar Rao

Dean PJTSAU Hyderabad, Member

Dr. A.Manohar Rao

Professor PJTSAU Hyderabad, Member

Dr. D.Raja Ramreddy

Dean PJTSAU Hyderabad, Member

Sri. G.V. Subba Reddy

VP Coramadel International Ltd, Member

Dr. P. Krishna Reddy

Professor IIIT Gachibowli, Member

Dr. M.P. Thakur

Dean IGKVV Raipur, Member

Dr. B.Sharath Babu

Director NBPGR, Hyderabad , Member


Senior scientist , NAARM, Invitee


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