Data Science
Fusce at nisi eget dolor rhoncus facilisis. Mauris ante nisl, consectetur et luctus et, porta ut dolor. Curabitur ultricies ultrices nulla. Morbi blandit nec est vitae dictum.
Ranked 140 in Engineering, 58 in Pharmacy, 101-150 Rank-band in university and 151-200 Rank-band in Overall category2021
Ranked 147 in Engineering, 61 in Pharmacy, 101 rank-band in University and 151 in Overall-Rankings 20212020
Ranked 180 in Engineering and 76-100 Rank-band in Pharmacy and 151 in Overall - Rankings 20202019
Ranked 169 in Engineering and 76-100 Rank-band in Pharmacy - Rankings 2019Outcome Based Education
PEO (Programme Educational Objectives)
Praesent eu dolor eu orci vehicula euismod. Vivamus sed sollicitudin libero, vel malesuada velit. Nullam et maximus orem. Suspendisse maximus dolor quis consequat volutpat. Donec vehicula elit eu erat pulvinar, vel congue ex egestas. Praesent egestas purus dolor, a porta arcu pharetra quis. Sed vestibulum semper ligula, id accumsan orci ornare ut. Donec id pharetra nunc, ut sollicitudin mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam dapibus nisl at diam scelerisque luctus. Nam
Sapien class quo temporibus?
Elementum voluptate sodales?
Career Path
Software Developer
Web Developer
UX Designer
Mobile App Developer
IT Project Manager
Video Game Developer
Systems Architect
AI Engineer
Computer Hardware Engineer
Information Security Analyst
I Srilekha
- IT
- 38 LPA
- Amazon, India
Kevin Vargas
- 11.45 LPA
- Package at Adobe
Sara Wells
- 15.45 LPA
- Package at Amazon, India
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Top Faculty
Attending Anurag University College has been an incredible experience for me. The professors are knowledgeable and passionate, and their teaching methods have helped me develop a deeper understanding of my field of study.
Bianca Cook
ECE, 2017-2021
Attending Anurag University College has been an incredible experience for me. The professors are knowledgeable and passionate, and their teaching methods have helped me develop a deeper understanding of my field of study.
Bianca Cook
ECE, 2017-2021